Sheriff Brad Anders

319 S. Lamine Ave
Sedalia, MO 65301
open 24/7/365
Administrative offices are closed weekends & holidays
Office 660 827 0052
For emergencies call 911
Jail 660 827 0056
Pettis County Crime Stoppers
Pettis County Crime Stoppers is a program which allows the public a confidential and anonymous way to provide law enforcement information concerning crimes in our community.
Crime Stoppers is a cooperative agreement between three individual groups; Law Enforcement, the public and the media. Law Enforcement investigates crime and provides coordination of the program through the Police Coordinator, who acts as a liaison to the groups. The public, through representatives who serve on the board of directors, decide on appropriate payments and are responsible for raising funds for the program’s operation. The media is responsible for publicizing crime alerts and general knowledge about the program.
The Crime Stoppers Program was established in 1987. In the program’s twenty-four year history it has provided information leading to the arrest of suspects ranging from property damage to narcotics and even helped investigators in obtaining information in homicide cases. Crime Stoppers offers a cash reward of up to $1000.00 leading to the arrest of the people involved in criminal activity and has paid rewards ranging from $100.00 to $1000.00 over the past twenty-four years.
The Crime Stoppers Program strives to ensure the confidentiality of citizen’s who report information on crimes plaguing our community.
Anyone with information regarding criminal activity in their community are encouraged to contact the Crime Stoppers Tips Hotline at 660-827-TIPS (660-827-8477). Our phone lines are not recorded, we do not use caller ID and you never have to leave your name.