Kim Lyne
Pettis County Courthouse
2nd Floor
415 S. Ohio
Sedalia, Missouri 65301
660-826-5000 Ext. 408
FAX: 660-827-8637
The Treasurer’s primary responsibility is the accurate and careful accounting of revenues and expenditures of the County. In accordance with Missouri law it is the duty of the Treasurer to ensure proper allocation of the County’s monies in separate funds.
Duties of the Treasurer’s office include receipting, reconciling, balancing, and disbursing of County monies. The Treasurer is also responsible for the County school fund, monthly financial reports to the County Commission, investing County dollars and monthly disbursements and reports to state entities as required by law.
Ensuring safe and prosperous investing of County dollars is of utmost importance to the office. The Treasurer’s office is continuously researching profitable investments for the citizens of Pettis County.
The Treasurer’s office is also responsible for overseeing the county’s unclaimed property. Unclaimed property of the County are uncashed checks issued by the county to our citizens. Examples are uncashed jury checks, vendor checks, and payroll checks. Checks are processed as unclaimed property if they have not been cashed within 90 days of issuance. The Treasurer will maintain these unclaimed funds, for the rightful owner, for 3 years. After that time the funds are turned over to the State of Missouri Unclaimed property division.