Public Administrator


The office of the Public Administrator is responsible for the needs of certain individual people who have no one else to care for them. These individuals are assigned to the Public Administrator through a hearing in Probate Court in the respective county. A probate judge decides whether an individual needs a guardian or conservator and the authority the guardian or conservator should have. The judge will base his decision on evidence that demonstrates the capabilities and disabilities of an individual.

Application for guardianship and/or conservatorship is made for persons who are alleged to be incapacitated or disabled. Persons are appointed a guardian and/or conservator when it is determined that they are, for reason of physical or mental condition, unable to receive and evaluate information or to communicate decisions. The court appoints the Public Administrator as guardian and/or conservator when it is determined to be in their best interest. This usually occurs when there are no relatives, relatives live too far away, or relatives are not capable of serving.

Guardianship and/or conservatorship are efforts to protect those who are mentally ill, mentally retarded, physically disabled or elderly who are unable to make some decisions about their lives by themselves. The law contains many safeguards and reporting provisions designed to prevent the abuse of powers of guardianship or conservatorship.

Public Administrator Brandy Arnett

Pettis County Courthouse

1st Floor

415 S. Ohio

Suite #104

Sedalia, Missouri 65301

Phone: 660-826-5000

Ext. 434 or 435

Christina Ray- Chief Deputy

Melissa Rivera- Administrative Asst.